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À partir d’avant-hierChlouchloutte ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Note: Etape SONAR dans une pipeline Jenkins

16 décembre 2019 à 10:02
stage("Sonar Analysis") {
     steps {
          println " ========== START SONAR ANALYSIS ON SOURCES ========== "
          // Prepare SonarQube scanner environment
          withSonarQubeEnv(sonarqubeEnvName) {
          sh "mvn -B -U -Dproject.version=${version} " +
                              (env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master' ? "${env.BRANCH_NAME} " : "") +
                              " -Dsonar.value.url=${sonarqubeserver}" +
                              " sonar:sonar"


Note: Releaser une version Maven via Jenkins

16 décembre 2019 à 09:53

Apparemment, faire simple c'est compliqué.

Comme j'ai pas envie de le faire plusieurs fois, je le met ici, en flat :

println " ========== START PREPARATION STEP ========== "

pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
binaryName = pom.artifactId
version = pom.version
groupId = pom.groupId

artifactoryserver = Artifactory.newServer url: 'myURL/', credentialsId: artifactoryCredentials
artifactoryserver.bypassProxy = true

println " ========== START PREPARING RELEASING ========== "
version = version.replace("-SNAPSHOT", "")
println " release version is now ${version} "

println " ========== CLONE REPO ========== "
checkout scm

def sshFolderLocation = '/root/.ssh'
def sshBitbucketKeyTargetLocation = sshFolderLocation + '/id_rsa'

configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'bitbucket-ssh-key', targetLocation: sshBitbucketKeyTargetLocation)]) {
    withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: gitCredentialsId, keyFileVariable: 'KEYFILEVARIABLE', passphraseVariable: '', usernameVariable: gitCredentialsId)]) {
        sh "git config --global \"jenkins@localhost\""
        sh "git config --global \"jenkins\""
        sh "chmod 700 ${sshFolderLocation}"
        sh "chmod 600 ${sshBitbucketKeyTargetLocation}"

        def current_branch = sh(script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', returnStdout: true)
        sh "git pull origin ${current_branch}"

        println " ========== BUILD PACKAGE ========== "
        configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE', variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')]) {
            sh "mvn -B -U org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:set -DnewVersion=$version"
            sh "mvn -B -U clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true"

        println " ========== START PUBLISHING IN DEV SPACE ========== "
        publishBinaryInDevSpace(version, groupId, mavenlocaldev, binaryName, artifactoryserver, buildInfo)

        sh "git add ."
        sh "git commit -m \"Release version $version\""
        sh "git tag $version"

        def newSnapshotVersion = upgradeVersionToSnapshot(version)
        configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE', variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')]) {
            sh "mvn -B -U org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:set -DnewVersion=$newSnapshotVersion"
        sh "git add ."
        sh "git commit -m \"Back to Snapshot version\""
        sh "git push -u origin ${current_branch}"
        sh "git push --tag"

        println " ========== START PROMOTING STAGE ========== "
        promoteArtifact(artifactoryserver, buildInfo, mavenlocaldev, mavenlocalrelease)

Avec les méthodes :

def upgradeVersionToSnapshot(currentVersion) {
    println currentVersion

    String[] numbersInVersion = currentVersion.split("\\.")
    String minorVersion = numbersInVersion[2]
    int newMinorNumber = Integer.parseInt(minorVersion) + 1
    return numbersInVersion[0] + "." + numbersInVersion[1] + "." + newMinorNumber + "-SNAPSHOT"

def publishBinaryInDevSpace(mavenVersion, groupId, artifactoryDevSpaceName, binaryName, artifactoryserver, buildInfo) {
    def packageName = groupId.replace(".", "/")

    def uploadSpec = """{
         "files": [{
            "pattern": "target/${binaryName}-${mavenVersion}.jar",
            "pattern": "pom.xml",
    buildInfo = artifactoryserver.upload uploadSpec
    artifactoryserver.publishBuildInfo buildInfo

def promoteArtifact(artifactoryserver, buildInfo, artifactoryDevSpaceName, artifactoryReleaseSpaceName) {
    def promotionConfig = [
            // Mandatory parameters
            'buildName'          :,
            'buildNumber'        : buildInfo.number,
            'targetRepo'         : artifactoryReleaseSpaceName,
            // Optional parameters
            'comment'            : 'XXXxxxXXX is promoted',
            'sourceRepo'         : artifactoryDevSpaceName,
            'status'             : 'Released',
            'includeDependencies': false,
            'copy'               : true,
            // 'failFast' is true by default.
            // Set it to false, if you don't want the promotion to abort upon receiving the first error.
            'failFast'           : true
    // Promote build
    artifactoryserver.promote promotionConfig

