Vue lecture

Edit Synology IP Block list through SSH | Tim's Blog

SSH to your Synology Diskstation as “root”.
The “Autoblock list” is located at /etc/synoautoblock.db
This is a SQLLite database, so don’t try to edit it with VI.

sqlite3 synoautoblock.db
.header on
select * from AutoBlockIP;
sqlite> select * from AutoBlockIP;

IP RecordTime ExpireTime Deny IPStd
————– ———- ———- ———- —————————————
blocked IP 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FGGG:C3A8:B415

delete from AutoBlockIP where IP = “”;

change plugin permissions

he minimum level required is usually hard-coaded into the plugin.

Open the main file of the plugin you want to change access rights for and search for ‘manage_options’. Chances are it will be in a function called either add_options_page(), add_submenu_page() or add_menu_page(). This basically means that the link to access the plugin will not be displayed to users who cannot ‘manage_options’.

To allow Editors to access the plugin, change all occurances of ‘manage_options’ to ‘edit_pages’.
To allow Authors to access the plugin, change to ‘publish_posts’.
To allow Contributors to access the plugin, change to ‘edit_posts’.
To allow Subscribers to access the plugin, change to ‘read’.

Note though, that any change will be wiped out when you update the plugin in the future.

rsync synology

I need to specify --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync on the linux box that wants to rsync with the synology nas.

Project OSRM

Modern C++ routing engine for shortest paths in road networks.

My Samsung dryer has an HE error which normally means the

Reset sèche linge Samsung DV80F5E5HGW:
To reset EEPROM for your dryer model you can unplug it from mains for approx.10 minutes. After 10 min.s plug in the dryer back in and hold down the Wrinkle Prevent and Mixed Load Bell buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.

Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | TED Talk |

Holy Jesus F*cking Christ! Je ne connaissais pas cet historien, il est génial !

Ce format 1h est même trop court pour cet échange extrémement intéressant avec Yuval Harari.

Conclusion, je vais maintenant devoir creuser son dernier bouquin : Homo Deus - A Bried History of Tomorrow... Oh mais je vois qu'il est dispo en audio book, parfait pour "lire en voiture" :)

Merci à TED pour toute cette matière, je me régale à chaque fois ! :)