Vue lecture
Marvy Animations – Just another WordPress site
elementor background animations
Edit Synology IP Block list through SSH | Tim's Blog
SSH to your Synology Diskstation as “root”.
The “Autoblock list” is located at /etc/synoautoblock.db
This is a SQLLite database, so don’t try to edit it with VI.
sqlite3 synoautoblock.db
.header on
select * from AutoBlockIP;
sqlite> select * from AutoBlockIP;
IP RecordTime ExpireTime Deny IPStd
————– ———- ———- ———- —————————————
blocked IP 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FGGG:C3A8:B415
delete from AutoBlockIP where IP = “”;
The “Autoblock list” is located at /etc/synoautoblock.db
This is a SQLLite database, so don’t try to edit it with VI.
sqlite3 synoautoblock.db
.header on
select * from AutoBlockIP;
sqlite> select * from AutoBlockIP;
IP RecordTime ExpireTime Deny IPStd
————– ———- ———- ———- —————————————
blocked IP 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FGGG:C3A8:B415
delete from AutoBlockIP where IP = “”;
Simple Background Parallax Scrolling Effect - simplax | CSS Script
simple parallax effect (JS)
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper – WordPress plugin |
depuis WP 5.5, le jQuery Migrate n'est plus actif. Si votre "vieux" theme WP est cassé suite à une mise à jour, ça peut simplement venir de là.
change plugin permissions
he minimum level required is usually hard-coaded into the plugin.
Open the main file of the plugin you want to change access rights for and search for ‘manage_options’. Chances are it will be in a function called either add_options_page(), add_submenu_page() or add_menu_page(). This basically means that the link to access the plugin will not be displayed to users who cannot ‘manage_options’.
To allow Editors to access the plugin, change all occurances of ‘manage_options’ to ‘edit_pages’.
To allow Authors to access the plugin, change to ‘publish_posts’.
To allow Contributors to access the plugin, change to ‘edit_posts’.
To allow Subscribers to access the plugin, change to ‘read’.
Note though, that any change will be wiped out when you update the plugin in the future.
Open the main file of the plugin you want to change access rights for and search for ‘manage_options’. Chances are it will be in a function called either add_options_page(), add_submenu_page() or add_menu_page(). This basically means that the link to access the plugin will not be displayed to users who cannot ‘manage_options’.
To allow Editors to access the plugin, change all occurances of ‘manage_options’ to ‘edit_pages’.
To allow Authors to access the plugin, change to ‘publish_posts’.
To allow Contributors to access the plugin, change to ‘edit_posts’.
To allow Subscribers to access the plugin, change to ‘read’.
Note though, that any change will be wiped out when you update the plugin in the future.
GitHub - pipes-digital/pipes: Repository for Pipes
Cool, Pipes passe en open source !
How to Remove Your IP from the Gmail Blacklist - rackAID
some useful tips on how to manage a blacklist from gmail
MySQL values open_files_limit and max_connections are not applied – Plesk Help Center
Sur Ubuntu 18.04
> systemctl edit mysql.service
> systemctl restart mysql
> systemctl edit mysql.service
> systemctl restart mysql
Check Single URL
ask review / removal from McAfee blacklist URL database
change account name in Windows 10
start > netplwiz
The Divi Builder — Drag & Drop Page Builder Plugin For WordPress
alternative à jscomposer
How to Set Custom Resolutions in Mac OS X
To access all supported resolutions for your external display, press and hold the Option key (alt gr) on your keyboard and then click the “Scaled” option again.
rsync synology
I need to specify --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync on the linux box that wants to rsync with the synology nas.
Linux Host/Windows 10 Pro 64 Guest - Bad Audio? |VMware Communities
I had to comment out and reboot:
sound.virtualDev = "hdaudio"
Then do the setup64 /a to extract drivers and manually update the "Multimedia Audio Controller" as described by bluefirestorm to restore audio.
This seems to have done the trick.
sound.virtualDev = "hdaudio"
Then do the setup64 /a to extract drivers and manually update the "Multimedia Audio Controller" as described by bluefirestorm to restore audio.
This seems to have done the trick.
fix install VMWare Workstation Linux recent kernel
0. Quick guide for impatient
First method (build and install):
tar -xzf workstation-14.1.1.tar.gz
cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-14.1.1
make install
First method (build and install):
tar -xzf workstation-14.1.1.tar.gz
cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-14.1.1
make install
Project OSRM
Modern C++ routing engine for shortest paths in road networks.
My Samsung dryer has an HE error which normally means the
Reset sèche linge Samsung DV80F5E5HGW:
To reset EEPROM for your dryer model you can unplug it from mains for approx.10 minutes. After 10 min.s plug in the dryer back in and hold down the Wrinkle Prevent and Mixed Load Bell buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.
To reset EEPROM for your dryer model you can unplug it from mains for approx.10 minutes. After 10 min.s plug in the dryer back in and hold down the Wrinkle Prevent and Mixed Load Bell buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.
Derrière le rideau du lobby homéopathique
article intéressant pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un éclairage sur ce sujet
webcam - Anything better than Cheese for video capture? - Ask Ubuntu
very nice software for video recording
mount encrypted share synology via SSH
synoshare --enc_mount share password
Virtual Hosting With PureFTPd And MySQL (Incl. Quota And Bandwidth Management) On Ubuntu 12.10
chroot pour les virtual users de Pure FTPD:
echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone
echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone
Bulletproof background images | Campaign Monitor
merci pour le code, ça ne s'improvise pas...
Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children
Une étude sur la santé des enfants vaccinés vs non-vaccinés
Les résultats sont... inattendus :'(
Les résultats sont... inattendus :'(
SoftEther VPN User Forum • View topic - Split Tunneling
split tunneling avec softether :
"you have to change metric on your VPN Client net card.
Change from Automatic to 100."
"you have to change metric on your VPN Client net card.
Change from Automatic to 100."
Boston Dynamics unveils 'nightmare-inducing' hybrid robot | Technology | The Guardian
cauchemard en direct :D
Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | TED Talk |
Holy Jesus F*cking Christ! Je ne connaissais pas cet historien, il est génial !
Ce format 1h est même trop court pour cet échange extrémement intéressant avec Yuval Harari.
Conclusion, je vais maintenant devoir creuser son dernier bouquin : Homo Deus - A Bried History of Tomorrow... Oh mais je vois qu'il est dispo en audio book, parfait pour "lire en voiture" :)
Merci à TED pour toute cette matière, je me régale à chaque fois ! :)
Ce format 1h est même trop court pour cet échange extrémement intéressant avec Yuval Harari.
Conclusion, je vais maintenant devoir creuser son dernier bouquin : Homo Deus - A Bried History of Tomorrow... Oh mais je vois qu'il est dispo en audio book, parfait pour "lire en voiture" :)
Merci à TED pour toute cette matière, je me régale à chaque fois ! :)
Quicktext extension for Thunderbird
plus jamais 2 fois le même contenu saisi dans Thunderbird, des templates paramétrables en 2 clics, bonheur inside !
pour copier une image sur une carte SD, en toute simplicité, cross platform
How to Tie a Tie (Mirrored / Slowly) - Full Windsor Knot - YouTube
enfin une bonne vidéo de noeud de cravate en mode miroir
Gas powered daily life - YouTube
Haha bien vu ! :)
JSON Web Token Introduction -
Techno interessante de token crypté avec payload...