I won't publish anything new on this shaarli now
Vue lecture
filesystems - df in linux not showing correct free space after file removal - Server Fault
find which process is using a deleted file
lsof +L1
ok this is cool but even if you deleted the file, the process still owns a handler to this file, and in some situations we don't want to kill the process. Here's a workaround using deletion of the file handler :
go to the process folder
cd /proc/PID/fd
ls -l |grep deleted
take note of the file handler ID. e.g here below the file handler is 1.
l-wx------ 1 hudson devel 64 Feb 7 11:48 1 -> /crucible/data/current/var/log/fisheye.out (deleted)
reclaim the space
> 1
lsof +L1
ok this is cool but even if you deleted the file, the process still owns a handler to this file, and in some situations we don't want to kill the process. Here's a workaround using deletion of the file handler :
go to the process folder
cd /proc/PID/fd
ls -l |grep deleted
take note of the file handler ID. e.g here below the file handler is 1.
l-wx------ 1 hudson devel 64 Feb 7 11:48 1 -> /crucible/data/current/var/log/fisheye.out (deleted)
reclaim the space
> 1
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