Sur l'inconsistence de la perception.
Vue lecture
create manjaro usb and boot on it
open terminal and mount hard drive. In my case, it was:
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
chroot to hard drive (taking care of mount binds):
manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
reinstall old package from pacman cache:
pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux49-4.9.105-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
exit chroot, unmount /mnt and reboot
create manjaro usb and boot on it
open terminal and mount hard drive. In my case, it was:
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
chroot to hard drive (taking care of mount binds):
manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
reinstall old package from pacman cache:
pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux49-4.9.105-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
exit chroot, unmount /mnt and reboot
Cubefreak | Blindfold Cubing with M2
liste d'algo pour la résolution des arêtes par paire.
Pour une résolution par arête : en traitant uf et fu de la même façon -> flip des arêtes si nécessaire. ou 1 algo par sticker.
Pour une résolution par arête : en traitant uf et fu de la même façon -> flip des arêtes si nécessaire. ou 1 algo par sticker.
Basic Go - YouTube
Des moyens mnémotechniques pour les josekis
ShellCheck – shell script analysis tool
ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
cf à tester avec flycheck
via PG
cf à tester avec flycheck
via PG
Learn to play Go using Augmented Reality : baduk
+ les liens dans les commentaires
(Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features
we propose a browser fingerprinting
technique that can track users not only within a single browser
but also across different browsers on the same machine.
Our evaluation shows that our approach can successfully
identify 99.24% of users as opposed to 90.84% for state of the
art on single-browser fingerprinting against the same dataset.
Our approach is highly
reliable, i.e., the removal of any single feature only decreases
the accuracy by at most 0.3%.»»»
we propose a browser fingerprinting
technique that can track users not only within a single browser
but also across different browsers on the same machine.
Our evaluation shows that our approach can successfully
identify 99.24% of users as opposed to 90.84% for state of the
art on single-browser fingerprinting against the same dataset.
Our approach is highly
reliable, i.e., the removal of any single feature only decreases
the accuracy by at most 0.3%.»»» - Recherche Google
Quand on essaie d'accéder à un article du wsj : on a un beau «To Read the Full Story, Subscribe or Sign In »
Si on colle l'url dans google, on a tout l'article…
Notes pour moi même :
“After humanity spent thousands of years improving our tactics, computers tell us that humans are completely wrong, I would go as far as to say not a single human has touched the edge of the truth of Go.”
Si on colle l'url dans google, on a tout l'article…
Notes pour moi même :
“After humanity spent thousands of years improving our tactics, computers tell us that humans are completely wrong, I would go as far as to say not a single human has touched the edge of the truth of Go.”
All Games (30) of Master (P) / Alphago from Foxwq : baduk
les kifu sur gokibitz
les sgf :
les sgf :
Building stress-resistant memories - Practice testing offers protection | Neuroscientist News
"""Typically, people under stress are less effective at retrieving information from memory. We now show for the first time that the right learning strategy, in this case retrieval practice or taking practice tests, results in such strong memory representations that even under high levels of stress, subjects are still able to access their memories"""
Crayon (de bois) ou crayon de/à papier ? – Français de nos régions
Dans le même genre que pain au chocolat vs chocolatine…
(Y a aussi pour serpillère, je vais Y faire, etc.)
(Y a aussi pour serpillère, je vais Y faire, etc.)
Zen's Hardware vs Cho Chikun : baduk
en comparaison avec alphago:
Et leur classement Elo: (actuellement alphago:2e, 3591 et DeepZenGo: 329e, 3105)
Et leur classement Elo: (actuellement alphago:2e, 3591 et DeepZenGo: 329e, 3105)
每日八题 - 101围棋网
daily tsumego, plusieurs niveaux, en chinois par contre…
Y a également des parties
Y a également des parties
Feynman vs. The Abacus
I realized something: he doesn't know numbers. With the abacus, you don't have to memorize a lot of arithmetic combinations; all you have to do is to learn to push the little beads up and down. You don't have to memorize 9+7=16; you just know that when you add 9, you push a ten's bead up and pull a one's bead down. So we're slower at basic arithmetic, but we know numbers.
I realized something: he doesn't know numbers. With the abacus, you don't have to memorize a lot of arithmetic combinations; all you have to do is to learn to push the little beads up and down. You don't have to memorize 9+7=16; you just know that when you add 9, you push a ten's bead up and pull a one's bead down. So we're slower at basic arithmetic, but we know numbers.
Problem of the Week Archive | American Go Association
weekly tsumego
Human Benchmark
quelques «jeux» pour améliorer sa mémoire (et ses réflexes)
Installation Squid et SquidGuard et configuration - Trucs et Astuces -
pour prochaine mise en place d'un filtre/contrôle.
note pour moimême, pas opendDNS en attendant
note pour moimême, pas opendDNS en attendant
The Art of Memory - Yates_Frances_A_The_Art_of_Memory.pdf
Keeping your palaces at a distance
Short term/Long Term palaces
memorizing numbers
memorizing for things vs memorizing for words
The importance of spaces too big vs too small
multi storied
Locking doors
Keeping your palaces at a distance
Short term/Long Term palaces
memorizing numbers
memorizing for things vs memorizing for words
The importance of spaces too big vs too small
multi storied
Locking doors
How to duplicate an existing tab? | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support
Pour ceux qui n'utilisent pas mouse gestures suite, pour dupliquer un onglet : bouton du milieu (ou ctrl+click) sur le bouton Recharger
Change how many processes multi-process Firefox uses - gHacks Tech News
«Si vous utilisez Firefox Nightly ou Developer ou que vous avez activé e10s en Beta, vous pouvez donner un petit boost à votre firefox en augmentant le nombre de content process :
Allez dans about:config, cherchez la clé dom.ipc.processCount, passez la valeur à x - 1 (où x est le nombre de cœur de votre CPU), redémarrez Firefox.»
Allez dans about:config, cherchez la clé dom.ipc.processCount, passez la valeur à x - 1 (où x est le nombre de cœur de votre CPU), redémarrez Firefox.»