Defend Democracy
Defend Democracy is an independent, nonpartisan, transatlantic NGO defending democracy against foreign, domestic and technological threats.
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Defend Democracy is an independent, nonpartisan, transatlantic NGO defending democracy against foreign, domestic and technological threats.
Democracy Reporting International (DRI) was founded in 2006 by an international group of experts on democratic governance and elections.
Recognizing a gap in a field that was dominated by big intergovernmental organisations and commercial consultancies, they decided to form a non-governmental, independent organisation that could analyse democratic developments and advise on constitutional and electoral frameworks quickly and flexibly.
Pour ce deuxième épisode consacré aux transports, direction le ferroviaire.
Nous découvrons Open Source Railway Designer (OSRD), un outil de simulation du réseau ferroviaire développé au sein de SNCF Réseau. Son objectif ? Produire des données utiles à la planification des travaux d’infrastructure et faciliter l’attribution de sillons de dernière minute pour le fret.
Avec Céline Durupt, Yohan Durand et Loïc Hamelin, nous abordons plusieurs aspects du projet :
Bonne écoute ! 🎧
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