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Self-Hosting a Firefox Sync Server | Diego Siqueira

1 mars 2025 à 06:46

After switching from Firefox to LibreWolf, I became interested in the idea of self-hosting my own Firefox Sync server. Although I had seen this was possible before, I had never really looked into it—until now. I embarked on a journey to set this up, and while it wasn’t completely smooth sailing, I eventually got it working. Here’s how it went.
Finding the Right Sync Server Initial Search: Mozilla’s Sync Server Repo I started by searching for “firefox sync server github” and quickly found Mozilla’s syncserver repo.


LinkStack - Self-hosted open-source Linktree alternative

27 novembre 2024 à 11:48

LinkStack provides you with a website similar to Linktree. Many social media platforms only allow you to add one link, with this you can simply link to your LinkStack page and have all the links you want displayed on one site. You can share all your links to your social media platform or important links to easy accessible and hosted on your own web-server or web-hosting provider. On this website, other users can register and create their own links, you can access other user via the Admin Panel.
