At MWC 2025, Infinix showcased two groundbreaking innovations: SolarEnergy-Reserving Technology for enhanced battery life and E-Color Shift 2.0, an AI-powered smartphone customization feature. These advancements align with Infinix’s vision of integrating AI, sustainability, and personalization into mobile technology.SolarEnergy-Reserving Technology: Sustainable Mobile ChargingInfinix introduced SolarEnergy-Reserving Technology, leveraging perovskite photovoltaic cells and AI algorithms to optimize energy capture from ambient light. The system efficiently converts indoor and outdoor light into electricity, storing […]
Lors du MWC 2025, Infinix a présenté plusieurs innovations technologiques impressionnantes, confirmant son engagement à offrir des smartphones toujours plus intelligents et adaptés aux besoins modernes. Parmi les annonces phares, Infinix a dévoilé deux technologies majeures : la SolarEnergy-Reserving Technology, qui permet de recharger son smartphone grâce à l’énergie solaire, et E-Color Shift Technology 2.0, […]