Blog descriptif et amusant d'une vie de Laowai en Chine (dernier billet en 2016)
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Sébastien en Chine
9 février 2023 à 12:31
Vers l'Est
22 décembre 2022 à 07:54
Blog d'une jeune étudiante de 24 ans sur la littérature et la culture chinoise
Inside that japanese book
21 décembre 2022 à 08:17
Blog sur la littérature japonaise, mais pas seulement. L'auteur fait aussi du coréen. Un blog très riche où l'auteur partage ses lectures, ses ruses pour apprendre, ...
- biblio.chine.coree.japon.infos
- Blog - Enseignant-traducteur- en littérature moderne de l'université de l'Oregon
Blog - Enseignant-traducteur- en littérature moderne de l'université de l'Oregon
21 décembre 2022 à 08:05
Résumés riches et documentés d'oeuvres d'auteurs contemporains japonais ayant eu le prix Akutagawa
Histoire de la culture visuelle en Asie orientale
8 décembre 2022 à 13:59
Blog du séminaire de l'UMR Chine Corée Japon - Carnet dédié au séminaire d'histoire de la culture visuelle en Asie Orientale de l'UMR Chine Corée Japon
Web Chikuma
19 mai 2021 à 10:46
Chikuma online
Furigana search
29 janvier 2021 à 11:22
Propose des lectures en furigana des kanji
20 janvier 2021 à 10:34
Kanjipedia s'intéresse aux idéogrammes et leur sémantique, prononciations... Facile d'usage et précis
Tanoshii Japanese
24 octobre 2019 à 14:05
Apprentissage du japonais avec plusieurs médias, manuels, Genki 1, Basic Kanji Book, 中級へ行こう, flashcards, moyen de suivre ses progrès, avoir un feedback. Il est nécessaire d'avoir les manuels qui sont utilisés.
Un retour et un compte rendu détaillé de l'exercice est fait.
Un retour et un compte rendu détaillé de l'exercice est fait.
Chinese short stories
23 janvier 2019 à 10:45
Nouvelles chinoises contemporaines
Blog John King Faibanks association
17 octobre 2017 à 09:05
Blog de recherche sur la Chine
11 octobre 2017 à 13:34
Luminos is University of California Press’ new Open Access publishing program for monographs. With the same high standards for selection, peer review, production and marketing as our traditional program, Luminos is a transformative model, built as a partnership where costs and benefits are shared.
News in slow Japanese
29 mars 2017 à 15:22
Japonais apprentissage
6 décembre 2016 à 14:07
Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese integrates a variety of tools for instant-access to more than 300,000 Chinese-English entries, 73,000 Chinese character entries, 62,000 English-Chinese entries, and 11,000 Seal Script entries. Wenlin’s versatile and easy-to-use interface tackles the most frustrating obstacles for students, scholars, and speakers of Chinese. Wenlin’s integrated solution runs on a variety of computer platforms (including Mac and Windows), and includes expandable Chinese dictionaries, a full-featured Unicode text editor, a flashcard system, pronunciation recordings, handwriting recognition, and much more. Wenlin is a comprehensive study tool, for beginning students, for life-long speakers, and for advanced researchers alike. Having Wenlin at hand is like having a seasoned scholar on your desktop!
Wenlin Institute is the home of the pioneering ABC Chinese-English / English-Chinese Dictionary edited by John DeFrancis. Wenlin Institute maintains the on-going development of the ABC Dictionary Series including the new electronic edition of the ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs. Wenlin Institute is also the home of the《說文解字》Shuōwén Jiězì Translation Project. Wenlin Institute is an Associate Member of The Unicode Consortium, contributing to development of The Unicode Standard and its public data components.
At Wenlin Institute some of the world’s most advanced software development tools and databases for processing, indexing and rendering CJKV (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese) text, including Wenlin Character Description Language (CDL). Let us help you integrate advanced Wenlin technologies into your software applications today!
Wenlin Institute is the home of the pioneering ABC Chinese-English / English-Chinese Dictionary edited by John DeFrancis. Wenlin Institute maintains the on-going development of the ABC Dictionary Series including the new electronic edition of the ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs. Wenlin Institute is also the home of the《說文解字》Shuōwén Jiězì Translation Project. Wenlin Institute is an Associate Member of The Unicode Consortium, contributing to development of The Unicode Standard and its public data components.
At Wenlin Institute some of the world’s most advanced software development tools and databases for processing, indexing and rendering CJKV (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese) text, including Wenlin Character Description Language (CDL). Let us help you integrate advanced Wenlin technologies into your software applications today!
Travels in Southwest Asia, 1899-1917
15 juillet 2016 à 12:42
which presents photographs from the Fritz and Hedwig Weiss Archive. The archive, containing photographs and documents, was donated by Tamara Wyss, granddaughter of Fritz and Hedwig Weiss, to Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin in spring 2016. Fritz Weiss was German consul in China and Hedwig Weiss-Sonnenburg was a travel writer and the author of children’s books. They lived in Southwest China during the years between the end of the Qing dynasty and China’s entry into the First World War. In the exhibition we present a selection of the photographs from the Weiss archive. The pictures show landscapes, people and their life in secluded mountainous areas, river valleys and minority areas, travelling by ship and on land, and they document the daily lives of Fritz and Hedwig in cities such as Chongqing and Chengdu.
Chine ancienne
10 mars 2016 à 16:19
Blog de livres classiques sur la Chine de Pierre Palpant
Membre de Les Classiques des Sciences Sociales
Membre de Les Classiques des Sciences Sociales
De l'eau sous le Menton
14 janvier 2016 à 10:42